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Conference papers and journal publications


Conference papers can be a productive way to try out new concepts/ideas in introducing your research work to your friends, colleagues and refine your research questions. Bestowing your work at a conference is a great and good opportunity for obtaining valuable feedback from a community of research scholars or aspirants for enhancing your professional height in your research field.


A conference paper is regularly written both in a documentary way and presented in a oral manner. Normally, to present your research work, you will be asked to first submit your abstract to a conference or a journal and only after the selection of the abstract you will be asked to further submit the full version of the paper (complete camera-ready paper) to the conference committee following their guideline and template.

Conference paper writing

In case you have started to write a paper however finding difficulty in between to complete it as per the theme/topic provided or you have lesser time to spend to develop an professional and an appealing paper to the audience. Stop worrying, everyone is not perfect at all things as well timing is another constraint which leads to incompleteness of the work undertaken.  


We at PATN Research hold a team of subject matter experts in various disciplines who can very well help you in developing conference papers not only for the conference as well as they can help you further to take it for a publication in a reputable journal such as Scopus, SCI, SCIE, IEEE, Web of Science, ACM, Elsevier, Springer etc., If you are looking for such kind of service, then you have approached right place.

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